
Start-up Support: How to Fund Your Business

Alexandra Greenhalgh
18.02.20 – 02 Mins Read
A woman in a black blazer and glasses is giving a presentation on start-up support. She's standing next to a screen, speaking, and holding a remote. A laptop displaying an image is on a table behind her, with a whiteboard in the background.

Tips & advice on the best way to fund your business

Funding the business can be the biggest challenge student entrepreneurs face.

Whether you are a domestic student looking to secure a UK government Start-Up loan, or an international student looking for other means of funding, there are a number of ways you can finance your business, whatever your background…

Start-up Loans

The Start-Up Loans company can provide funding and support for domestic students looking to finance their own start-up business. They loan successful applicants up to £25,000, completely interest free.

Their Mission: to help new and early stage UK businesses access affordable finance and support.

Beyond the start-up funding, successful applicants are guided through the business plan and cash flow forecast and receive ongoing support from a mentor.


If you are an international student and not eligible for a Start-Up Loan, CROWDFUNDING platforms allow you to raise investment in your business by offering your investors perks, products or equity stakes. Multiple individuals contribute a small amount of funding to help get your business started.

Top tip – PASSION  is key for your crowdfunding campaign. If you care, others will too.

Here are some of our favourite Crowdfunding platforms…







Vita Student Start-up Support Programme

Want to promote your business amongst the Vita community? Well you can! The Vita Student Start-up Support Programme allows you to submit your business plan to our team. We will promote your business across all of our cities, providing invaluable exposure to both fellow students and Partners.

Vita Student Start-up Support Programme

The Sirius Programme is aimed at international graduates with great business ideas.

Applicants submit their business plan and the winners are provided with the support and funding to set up their own business in the UK.

Click here to find out when applications open and how to apply.

Entrepreneurs from around the world funding their business through the Sirius Programme Entrepreneurs from around the world funding their business through the Sirius Programme